Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day!
Xin Nian Kuai Le!
or translated - Happy New Year!!
Not only is today Valentine's Day but it is also Chinese New Year.
We started off the day with church, then lunch, then a big ole trip to Wal M*rt for the kids to pick out their valentine. Both Hope and Love chose the biggest balloons ever for their gift, Faith went with flat out cash, and Hunter chose Turtles...I heart those things :)
We had grandparents visit bearing gifts for Valentines as well. Needless to say my kids are in no shortage of sugar - Lord help me....and their teeth.
For dinner we are going out or having take out...not quite sure...because it is COLD! And of course, it will be Chinese food.
Tomorrow. Now that is a big day in my book - more to come.

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