Thursday, May 13, 2010

Refreshing New Make Up

Hope isn't one who has to be directed in her play. She comes up with plenty of things to do. The other day she was applying "make up". Which was in the form of an ice cube of all things. She had a ball with nothing more than frozen water...go figure.
Carefully applied eye shadow
Her blush is literally dripping off her face
The lip gloss tastes good too
It's super easy to remove, no harsh chemicals ;)
It gives you that fresh straight from the pool appearance we all so desire. Well, not so much. But, at least her mascara doesn't run. Silly girl.


Angie said...

I love the natural look, sweet girl! You should market that as the new trend!

Anonymous said...

Well Hope you give me a great reason not to wear my kind of makeup the natural beauty is the greatest at least on you. Maybe I should just stick to the brand I use it covers up way more. You see when you get old you need more help lol. I gotta love your imagination though your just to funny and did I say beautiful yep you sure are. Love you MIMI